2022 is the Year of the Turnaround!
The Bible is replete with accounts of miraculous turnarounds in the lives of God’s people. Father God says in MALACHI 3:6, “For I am the Lord, I do not change….” HEBREWS 13:8 declares Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That means the same Lord Who turned dire situations around in days of old is ready, willing, and able to turn things around for you, your family, our ministry, and our nation.


How long is this fast?

The fast is 21 days, from Monday, January 10 – Sunday,  January 30, 2022

What type of fast are we doing?

Please choose the type of fast that works best for your household, including children. The most common fasting types include absolute fast (no food or water), normal fast (water only), liquid fast (broths, smoothies, juices, etc.), or Daniel fast (vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains).

What about social media, television, and etc.?

Unless work-related, avoid social media and entertainment programming. Instead, use this time to immerse yourself in the Word, watching or listening to faith-building messages and music.

Is there a prescribed reading plan?

We have included the prescribed reading plan on this page. Determine during this fast to seek God early. Ask the Lord to guide you into the spiritual application of the scriptures.

Printable Reading Plan

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